Marjorie Jouen
Marjorie Jouen is an External Adviser of Notre Europe-Jacques Delors Institute since 1999. She works on EU policies related to regional, rural and local development, territorial cohesion, and social innovation. She graduated in Political Science and is former student of ENA (Ecole Nationale d’Administration).
During her professional career, she has occupied many posts as a high-level official in the French administration: Administrator in charge of Administrative reform in the Public Finance Department (1989-1992); Head of “EU Regional Development Programmes” Unit in the Department of Spatial Planning and Regional Action (1998-1999); Head of the “European Affairs” Unit in the Foreign Trade Department (2002-2006); High-level expert on European issues and multi-level governance in the Department of Territorial Equality (2012-2016). She also worked in EU institutions as a member of the Forward Studies Unit of the European Commission (1993-1998), and deputy-head of the cabinet of the President of the EU Committee of the Regions (2006-2008 and 2010-2012).
She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Federation of French Regional Natural Parks and of a public innovation think-tank “La 27e Région”. She is the author of several reports and surveys, among them, La politique européenne de cohésion; La Documentation Française, Paris (2011); Diversité européenne, mode d’emploi (2000); The Future of Work, a European debate, with B. Caremier (2000).